The Benefits of Having a Mid Year Plan

It’s easy to get inspired at certain times of the year. January 1st is the first date that comes to mind. It’s the time of year when everyone pulls out the notebook to make a list of goals and resolutions: both personal and professional. It’s the time of year when everything seems possible and absolutely nothing can get in your way—and then February comes!

At the Leadership Lab, we know how it feels to have that burst of motivation, and what it feels like when you don’t.  We know how incredibly busy life can get, and how easy it is to feel overwhelmed (especially this year).  We also know the importance of having more than just one plan per year that is intended to serve as your inspiration for the next 365 days. That’s just not realistic. A successful strategy involves multiple plans with multiple checkpoints. That’s why we highly recommend a mid-year plan or even quarterly plans!

Having a mid-year plan doesn’t just benefit your career, but it can benefit your personal life as well. When your career operations are smooth, and you feel in control, you bring that success home with you.

If you’re not sure where to get started on your plan, try asking yourself a few of these questions:

  • What are some of the great things you accomplished these last 6 months?

  • Was there anything you intended to accomplish but weren’t able to, and why?

  • Did you make any mistakes? Is there a way to avoid these mistakes in the next 6 months?

  • Do you feel like you managed your time well? If not, what are some ways you could manage your time more efficiently?

  • What are your top 3 goals for the remainder of the year?

  • What are the necessary steps to achieve those goals?

Often times, it takes just a few questions to get the creative juices flowing.  While you are brainstorming how to improve your career over the next 6 months, don’t forget to acknowledge how far you have come and what you have accomplished so far!

We want to see you succeed! If you are looking for weekly inspiration, follow us on Instagram at